Simple Country Pleasures….I Took a Walk Tonight…

All the dogs went with me to check on the sheep in the barn. The sheep are all up because I have 23 ewes due most anytime now…..It is 12 degrees the wind is blowing out of the east and it is still lightly snowing…Babies born out in this weather can not survive…they will freeze…

The dogs were thrilled to be out in the snow. As we walked towards the barn the dogs were playing and running and cutting up!

We checked the ewes and gave them some more hay. They all seemed fine and not in labor…so I walked to the Shepherds Cottage and laid some more wood on the fire in the wood stove. As I headed back to the barn to check on the ewes I thought what a nice night for a walk! It is light because of the snow…And while cold …it would be nice to take the dogs out and about.

As I walked towards the open field with the dogs I could hear the soft crunch crunch crunch of the fresh fallen snow under my boots. The soft swish swish swish my very warm ski pants made as my pants legs softly rubbed together. The dogs were quiet and their feet made soft crunches in the fresh powered snow. A fine snow was falling  all most like a mist and I could see it in the distance a withe light mist against the tall dark grey trees. I thought about my trees and wondered about the weather they must have embraced over the 100s of years they have stood tall…The snow as it hit my face stung pleasantly. and I could hear it peppering my toboggan.

The sky was dark but yet what light there was…was reflected and magnified off the light snow cover. Oh yes this was a wonderful idea… to take a walk. The dogs quietly but excitedly investigated each wonderful strange and familiar smell. Here there and everywhere!

Crunch, crunch, crunch… as my boots walked on the new snow. So quiet. It was like being in a new world. No one had been here before! The dogs felt it too! I could have stayed out and went farther…But I had experienced the magic of  a cold night with freshly fallen snow…and all too soon I headed to the warm house…Refreshed… but ready to go to bed and dream of my adventure.