Sad Day…

005In so many ways today has been difficult for me.

One year ago my Mother passed away about 10:15 PM in her bed surrounded by her 2 children…

My heart breaks  as I think of her and her life.  Of our lives lived  together for so many years.

Please forgive my feeling sorry for myself tonight.

I promise not to practice  this:)

While my Mother was very sick in many ways for a very, very long time… it is still very difficult …Today I was all weepy and sad…

I called my brother Kenneth tonight to see how he was doing. He too had a rough day. Most likely a much harder day than I did…as he was so much closer to Momma than I ever was…ever…I really feel bad for him…

But mostly I feel bad for all the things I missed thru the years for whatever the reasons…Most beyond my control..truly…It all is what it is…and nothing that can be done about the past.

But to learn from it! To live each day to its fullest! To be filled with hope and love and desire for a better day each day!

To dream the dreams, to live the life I have…Not make the mistakes I have seen by others and myself. Waiting for some day or something to be better so I can live life better! That magic is within ME ! Now! Not the day something is changed!

So LOOK for a blog everyday! Starting today!

I will bore you all to pieces I am sure!  But I am back!

(I may need to fix a few things I have allowed to get in my way) 🙂 But it is all but done!