A Day on the Farm…

Montanna had all hr hair cut off last week. So she spends most of her time in the mud room on her new warm soft comfy bed!

Drover and the Girls hung out on the carport with the crazy Rooster! (I know that Roo thinks he is a dog!) And they LET HIM!!!!

Les worked on the mud room closet and has it looking good and and read for the paint! That will happen Friday!

We are looking at Rams tomorrow!

I hung curtains in the Living Room all day! Yes it was that difficult! But looks very nice now! Like home should look! 🙂

My sweet Grandma use to tell me…”Kay I hate hanging curtains! You do it for me!” Course I LOVED that she wanted me to do it…But I declare! I hated it too today!  What in the world!?!

Grandma use to say when we went to town shopping…She had had enough! I get that too…Now!:)

The thing I got to do is lower the rod on the panels! Man I hate to have to do that! But it looks like my flannel jeans rolled up! (Not real cool!) 🙂

Heading to bed ! Bet we will have fun looking at rams! tomorrow!


My new curtains…


Montanna snoring sh new knew I was around!

002 003The new closet from repurposed wood! It will look different when painted and a few surprises added! Photos of the project soon!:)