Jackson Creek Swimming hole…a simple country pleasure!

Last evening the air conditioner at the house went out. So today it was quite warm and by 2ish I was thinking lets go swimming at the creek. Les inflated my float and the dogs… all 7 of them and I went to the creek!

My uncle had mowed hay in the adjoining field so the air was filled with the wonderfully new mowed hay odor! The water smelled like creek water, combined with the woods smell and then wet dogs!

What a wonderful afternoon we had. The dogs love the cool water. I floated on my float, and the dogs swam and played. All but Timber she watched from a safe dry distance. She is not fond of being wet…But was so pretty to watch as she sat up on the bank.

Then Drover swam with me as did Abilene , Amarillo and BOO…Then there was the puppy Sage! She swam and swam and got on the float with me and rested and swam some more! It is all most a mile to the creek and all the dogs walked. There and back. You can bet they will sleep well tonight!

We had a fine time. I thought of all the stressed people , and troubles in the world…Then looked round at my happy dogs, the coolness of the water, the beauty of the creek and woods…I thought about how the simple country pleasure of being down on the creek in the water was a blessing! How lucky I am to be able to hang out with my dogs and enjoy this!

The dogs dug in the creek sand like a bunch of kids at the beach would…They barked and jumped, walked the log and played.

I started to get to cool so we started back, the sunshine felt good on my cool back.

What fun we had!

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    • Sylvia Snell on September 7, 2014 at 9:31 am

    How wonderful that sounds! I would be floating, Rosie and Luke would join Timber on the bank. They do not like to be IN the water! But still love to run through all the huge puddles in the yard after a big thunderstorm,….go figure! Water is water, right? I guess not to them!.

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