Drover…Working StockDog

Photos from the other evening….

276Drover Looking for the sheep….


438Nose work….


597I found them!


600See! They are in the woods!

848Drover gathered the sheep and brought them up and through the gate!

937Making sure he did not miss any before proceeding to drive the sheep across the dam…

1050Drover waiting on me…and holding the sheep…

1125I said walk up!

1160Drover moving the flock to the gate and driving (I am still half way cross the dam) It is a long ways!

1328Good Dog! Great Job!! Keeping the gate covered till I get there to close it!


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    • Martha Cristy-Couch on November 18, 2014 at 12:38 pm

    Wonderful!! That Drover did all that he was asked to do, and wonderful that you caught all that you did with the camera.

    • melissa on November 21, 2014 at 2:34 pm

    Drover – you’re the man! Enjoyed this progression of photos.

  1. Love it! It’s great to see a series of a dog working well 🙂

    • Carol Carroll on December 10, 2014 at 10:21 pm

    Just wondering how much training you had to do to get Drover
    to work so well! Thrilling to watch! I am acquiring a few acres. & plan
    on trying to get my “girls ” (2 female E S) to pen a few sheep and/ or
    Goats. They have not worked stock before so I looking fwd to seeing
    How they do & wondering how tp train them

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