Cutting Wood…ghosts, memories and ES dogs…

A simple country pleasure…is wood cutting. We burn wood in our house and in the Shepherd’s Cottage.

Another simple country pleasure is being warmed by a wood stove on a cold day, or a warm cherry fire in a rock fire place.

The other day Les, the dogs, and I went to the field to cut fire wood. We used Uncle Don’s tractor and Kenneth’s trailer. Away and across the dam to the field we went! The cold wind , sun shine and blue skies! Perfect wood cutting weather! Cool enough to not be hot doing the work …The air was clean clear and crisp!

As we worked I could see my Grandpa through the years doing this same job with my Grandma. Smiles….in my heart as I thought of the two working like this. Grandma all bundled up and Pap in his overalls! The smell of the wood being cut and the sound of the chain saw was perfect. Like music to the scenes that played out in my memory.

How Grandpa had taught me to cut the trees closest to the fields so that they would not encroach on the grass and crops he grew. The terraces in place since the 1950s still doing their job on the hillsides and keeping water for the field as well as stopping erosion of precious soils…I knew exactly how and where and why to stack the brush so it would do a job as well for the field and soils in the woods! BTW the branch that runs along our property line is looking great! And we have good wood!

Then there were the dogs! What a time they had! Two 10 week old puppies on the outing of their lives! Exploring, playing , learning and rolling down hills in delight!

Old dogs enjoying the day and happy to be out and doing what they love!

Memories of days like this in years past, of old dogs gone on. The wonder and fun of the moment! Yes wood cutting is a fine simple country pleasure! One to be savored and enjoyed! And one that warms you twice and in my case thrice!