Trust…Faith…English Shepherds…

What an odd blog subject …

Is this a religious blog? No…Trust and Faith have nothing to do with religion…but everything to do with how we live our lives and work our dogs…

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen” from the Bible.  Done with the definition!

Trust comes from knowing deep down in that part of you that you cannot describe …but you “know” it exists…Trust is a belief in something that you know will not let you down. (I have heard the expression “I trust that person with my life”

Tonight the stars and planets were especially bright. The night dark like “country no night lights dark” The stars twinkled right were God put them …On the course He set for them to follow …The air was crisp and Spring time cold…The dew had fallen and the grass was wet..

I went down to close the gate to the field behind the dam. The ewes were kicking up their heels and making their bells sing…The frogs and crickets singing their hearts out…And the fresh clean crisp air smelled heavenly…

Drover and I started towards the far gate. I thought …”if the sheep were up here I could lock them in this pen and then in the morning all I would have to do is let them out and not have to go open that gate.” Hum… But the sheep are way on the other side of the field (8 acres) and I can’t see them…

“Trust your dog Kay”!

So I sent Drover on an away…He came back and I sent him again “Away” !

Then Drover brought the sheep right into the holding pen! I shut the gate and we were finished!

Trust and Faith were at work tonight…

I thought of David as the Shepherd Boy of long ago and how he must have felt out on the Judean countryside on a night much like this one…How he had to keep his sheep safe and how he had to Trust and have Faith…and in the face of wild animals and such…

Now BOO is charged with keeping the farm safe thru the night…And she will do her job too..Pups010915-8128

I can lay my head down knowing I can sleep in peace …my dogs and my sheep teach me daily who holds tomorrow and right now.

Who knew herding was all about faith and trust? and living life daily to the fullest…






    • Erin on June 10, 2016 at 10:11 am

    I have a friend looking for a dog to guard ducks. Do you have anything or know of any available English Shepherds? Small property, I am thinking a middle aged or older dog would be ideal, maybe a retired breeder or something.

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