Simple Country Pleasures…

Mowing the yard…and the heavenly smell of fresh cut grass…

Sheep bells ringing in the distance.

Sharing Jackson Creek and a swimming hole with my dog and a friend and her dog..

Sitting with our feet in the cool creek water while the dogs play with abandon in the creek!  Flying sand across our laps! The  birds, crickets and frogs provided the back ground music for us…

Going to Grandma’s house thru the pasture on the JD Gator…(Passing the cows in the field)

Going by the dairy barn, the swing, the pond, the pear tree, so many sweet wonderful memories…

Then up the old road now paved but still a dirt road in my mind…traveled so many times that I can not count… today on the Gator with my friend her dog and my KAT…Then back home by the highway…

The beautiful mountains that surround Jackson Creek were off in the distance on the ride home…

Wet happy dogs and wet cool at peace friends sailing along enjoying life in the country…

All Simple Country Pleasures.

it was a beautiful sunset .