Simple Country…pleasures

Old dogs…are a pleasure to be round. Loving them, taking walks, hanging out, and rolling round on the ground with them, in the Fall sunshine on a cool crisp Sunday afternoon. While we tend the sheep as they free range bits of green grass here and there.

The birds providing the music… singing for our afternoon pleasure.

The sheep bells softly accompanying the birds.

Blue skies with high white clouds and a breeze that promises colder weather.

Abilene is a good dog. One of the best. She is getting on in years. I am so pleased I was able to keep a pup out of her and Drover.  Abilene seems to have become grey muzzled and slower all most over night. Though I know this is not the case.

She is one of the best Momma dogs I will ever know…She is a true loving Mother to all creatures. She has mothered up many lambs for me.

We spent quality time today. Slowly walking round the sheep. Then resting and watching. The occasional I love you lick on my hand. I hope this slow down is a temporary thing and she will be spry soon!

Drover and KAT Ballou kept us company and  they moved the sheep as needed.

I have been very blessed with good English Shepherds.

I thought about all the Holiday shopping and rush that is upon us and how I use to think that was the “thing” !  How I have changed and want little to do with all that. I love having friends and family in during the Holiday Season for a good meal…And visiting and catching up…But all the other is empty and does not make me happy. Truth is it never did!

Have a wonderful Holiday Season and think about how you can help others year round. That is how we find true contentment, happiness, peace, and love.


Abilene and a lamb from January, 2016 066