English Shepherds, Sheep, Life…

Feeling a bit out of sorts.

All this political stuff…No I am not going there…BUT…it is difficult for so many reasons.

My faith is in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. HE knows what is best and what His plans are for us…So  that is where I put my trust. Though I do not see how or why or a way…”Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen”

Sigh…It is hard…

I was thinking of a title for my blog this evening and thought Dogs…But you know…if you have an English Shepherd…they are much more than a dog. They are our friend, companion, buddy, pal, helper, right hand, all ways with us and faithful, true. It seemed unfair to just say dog.

Sheep are smart…and they learn fast. They all most recognize my car (any car that is shaped like mine and light colored) they rush to the gate when they see it coming! Hoping this is the time I (or someone) stops and opens the gate and allows them access to our yard and the green grass! But like all of us …That is not enough! If the gate on the driveway is not shut …OFF to the highway and the neighbors they RUN!  LOL!  But not before leaving their lambs with two nursery ewe workers to look after the lambs.

We have 5 ewes left to lamb. Should be soon March I think.

BOO spends her nights working keeping us all safe from what ever is loose and about. The rest of the dogs sleep peacefully in their crates. Daylight and BOO goes off to bed. (like me she sleeps in a different time zone) .

KAT is doing really well with the sheep. She is gathering and driving, downing, staying and sorting. Now our work is not beautiful but she gets the job done, and she is becoming better every day! (I am thinking of entering a Ranch Large Flock Trial ) Maybe…Will see how she is doing by the end of next week. She likes to bite…and I am working on that…

Adam is doing well with his Aussie. We are very pleased with the progress and some what surprised.

Elvis and Cher are doing really well too!  And what fun the Corgis are!

The sunsets are amazing everyday over Steeprock Mountain.

I picked Buttercups this evening for the table! Spring will be here soon!

Last night we had a big thunderstorm! Grandma all ways said 9 Days and it will snow! We will see!

Drover is the best  he is my “Little Buddy” and our Drover BOO pup is something! What a smart pretty girl!

Les and I hope to finish the Staunchon for the sheep feet trimming job tomorrow! 

Well off to bed!