Today’s work…

Today’s Work…

Was not pretty by any standard.

Efficient yes…

What a Mess!

Gerry and I were up at the house working on the Sheep Foot Bath preparing the water and the chemicals. My sugar high was in full swing (thanks to the Krispey Cream donuts ) a southern delicacy we had enjoyed a few hours earlier. Then I felt it, the need to have some protein! Lunch! We took care of that…All the time the big gate was open to the field. As we walked out of the house the sheep had discovered the open gate! Oh man! 

We have 23 grown sheep and 15 young lambs…None of the lambs needed a “walkabout” So carefully Gerry started to work the sheep with KAT Ballou…I eased down the drive way with the intention of shutting that gate. The sheep were drawn to me and I thought they would come back into the field.  There was one ewe that stuck her nose in the air and turned her head then.. OFF! Just like that ! The whole flock minus 2 lambs still in the field,,,Yes!  the party had begun!

My first thought was go get Drover. Then I thought… KAT has to learn. By my Drover standard this was a mess….But honestly …KAT was awesome… She should have listened and minded me better (That will come with experience like this)….I should have been more helpful…But then this was real life with influences on the sheep and dog that were unseen ahead of time. The jest is this …No sheep made it into the highway! (a BIG improvement) ! we managed after several smart escape attempts led by “that ewe”  to get the sheep back to field.

A few high lights from our adventure: I yelled at some big 250 pound 6 foot 4  man to stay still. 🙂 he was mowing the fresh beautiful green grass yard of our  neighbor’s.  I was able to send KAT into the woods and briars to head the escaping sheep off  KAT learned I meant “Away” …go left now! .I was tired of her blowing me off and not listening! Most of our difficulties had been because KAT was NOT doing as told… this was not a “Just for fun” excursion! This was the real working deal!

Elvis and Gerry helped us move the flock to the foot bath area and Elvis sorted and Gerry worked the gate to the pen. They did  a fine job!  

Finally the foot bath…KAT was listening by this time … she loaded the stock into the chute for the foot bath. While efficient ..KAT thought more is better! Except the first ewe in the front of the foot bath water said ” come up here I know you can’t and make me go in that water! That was it! KAT jumped up and onto the backs of the ewes and went up and over the sheep (It is called backing) then jumped down…she made the ewe and 4 others get into the foot bath. WOW! KAT was awesome today she with stood my fussing….stayed with me and worked!  I am so proud of my girl! She is the real deal

AND she knows “Away” and “Come Bye”! 😉