Drover’s Stock Dog Journal…

It has been a while since Drover was needed to work the sheep. I have been using KAT and training her to be my right hand as is Drover her sire.

I have to say I am well pleased with KAT’s progress and yes even my understanding. KAT is a different dog from Drover. She is faster. She is not easily rattled by me and my ways.

She does love to work …sorting , moving sheep and pen work has been our routine work.  The work is dictated by our sheep doctoring and checking of the flock. 


Today I finally was needed to handle the non dog broke ewes. We have 22 Katahdin mixes and they are 10 months old. These young sheep do not even want to be near Kay!

My job is to make the flock stay together and not be able to run away.

I need a small pen to work in for the time being. I will be moving the flock away and come bye. Kay will stand in the center and change directions as she sees necessary.

We are preparing for our up coming AHBA Herding Trial held here at the farm. March  9,10, 11….

I fetched the sheep round and into the arenas and back to their holding area. 

I like this work! But even on a cold day it is hot work.

KAT Ballou:

I did the same type of work as Drover did. Only I had to work more in the small round pen. I had several ewes challenge me and at one point they wanted to challenge Kay. But I took charge of the situation before anything happened! Needless to say they started thinking smarter! 

I love this work and live for it and Kay!


I am so pleased with Drover and KAT Ballou!  They are fine honest working dogs.

We put ear tags in all the ewes. Color coordinated ! and we wormed all of the sheep.  Also put out a bale of hay! 

Gerry and I ended up on the ground in a tangle of one ewe (she tossed me up and I came down heading for the ground) No way to stop! Gerry was tangled up and holding the ewe. Down we both went. I jammed my little finger into the ground and my head was shoved into the fence , and I manged to knock a knot on Gerry’s head with the ear tagger!  Where is a video when things like this happen.? We were fine and laughed  at our calamity . We called our work and went to find Les! Ears are tough!